How To Setup LobbyCentral (Cloud)
Welcome to LobbyCentral Cloud!
This start-up guide will walk you through several steps to configure your account. All cloud accounts include email support, so if you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]. One of our support reps will be happy to help!
Create Locations
In general, LobbyCentral defines Location as a physical building which contains at least one queue. However, in some cases, location can also be defined as two (or more) separate areas within the same building. For more information, please see Managing Locations, in the LobbyCentral Cloud User Guide.
- Login to your LobbyCentral account and go to Tools > Administration > Manage Locations in the menu.
- Select New Location.
- Enter the name of the location.
- Set the maximum wait time for customers.
- Set the location’s time zone.
- Enter the address and phone number for the location.
- Select the Operation Hours tab
- Enter your operating hours. Note: Be sure to double check that AM and PM are set properly for opening and closing.
- Click Save.
The ExpressLobby QuickPick tab is optional, and works in correlation with LobbyCentral's ExpressLobby feature for mobile check-in. Please review Getting Started with ExpressLobby for more information.
Create Agents/Users
Users are created to give each employee their own, unique, login ID and password. Any user may create a service request, but users can only view or take pending requests from the queue(s) they are assigned to. For more information, please see Managing Agents/Users, in the LobbyCentral Cloud User Guide.
- Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Users.
- Select New User.
- Create a username.
- Enter the user’s first and last name.
- Enter the user's email address.
- Enter the user's mobile number and select mobile carrier (optional) Note: Only used if administrator sets up SMS notifications to employees.
- Set the user’s default location.
- Check the box, Generate and email password to user. Alternatively, the administrator may create a temporary password by filling in the password fields.
- Select the Queues tab.
- Below Add a Location, select a Location.
- Select the Customer Queue to which the employee will be assigned.
- Repeat steps 11 and 12 until user has been added to all required locations/queues.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Set the user’s Access Level. The default setting is User.
- Set the user’s permissions. For more information on permissions, please review Managing Agents/Users.
- Select the User Hours tab, and enter the user's work hours. Note: Be sure to double check that AM and PM are set properly for the user's start and stop times.
- Click Save.
Create Visit Reasons (Services)
A visit reason is used to identify the reason a customer has come in to your location. Visit reasons are added to queues. After a queue is selected, a list of visit reasons appears in a dropdown menu. For more information, please see Managing Visit Reasons / Services.
- Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Visit Reasons
- Select New Service.
- Create a name for the service.
- If the visit reason being added is a subservice of another visit reason, select the "parent" visit reason from the dropdown menu. A subservice will show below the "parent" visit reason at the kiosk. For example: In the image below, BL-Change Address/Owner is a "parent" service. The line items showing a ----- (dash), in front of the service name, are subservices of BL-Change Address/Owner.
- Enter a customer friendly kiosk name in Kiosk Name Override if desired.
- Check the box, "Make this service the default selection in Kiosk" (located below Kiosk Name Override), if you would like this service to be set as the default selection at the kiosk. The customer may still choose another service.
- Select the queues to add the visit reason to, by clicking the drop-down menu in "In Queues". Repeat this step until you have added the service to all required queues. Note: A visit reason must be added to at least one queue in order to be selectable during check-ins.
- Select the service Group (optional). Review Service Description Groups in Data Tables for more information.
- Select whether to display the service in the kiosk.
- Enter a Long Description for the service (optional). Long Description allows employers to give a more descriptive breakdown of the service, if necessary. If an employee wants to review the service description while helping a customer, they simply click Help Card in the check-out window. Help cards may be disabled in System Options.
- Click Save.
Create Queues
A queue is used to group customers waiting for service in a specific area. You may think of a queue as a department. Each department offers specific services to its customers. Users receive a check-in notification whenever a customer checks into a queue assigned to that user. Users are not notified of check-in requests to queues they are not assigned to. For more information, please review Managing Queues.
- Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Queues.
- Select Add Queue.
- Select the Queue Type from the dropdown menu. For more information on queue types, please review Managing Queues.
- Enter the name of queue.
- Select the queue location.
- Select the queue's visibility (where it will be displayed).
- Enter the address and operating hours (if different from the location assigned to).
- Select the Assigned Users tab.
- From the drop-down menu, select the user who will monitor and work this queue. Repeat this step for each user to assign to the queue.
- Select the Services tab.
- From the drop-down menu, select each available service that you will assign to this queue. Note: A queue requires at least one Available Service.
- Click Save.
Create Data Tables
Data tables are optional, and contain custom descriptions used in various drop-down menus within LobbyCentral. Review section definitions and the uses for each selectable item in Data Tables.
- Go to Tools > Administration > Data Tables.
- In Data Tables, select an item from the dropdown menu.
- Select New Item.
- Enter the item name.
- Click Save.
That’s all there is to it! For additional information on these topics and more, please review the Tutorials section, or the LobbyCentral Cloud User Guide. If you still have trouble finding an answer to your questions, please reach out to [email protected].
Thank-you for using LobbyCentral!