Manage Users (cloud)

User Access

In order to check-in and manage customers, users must be setup with a LobbyCentral user account. A user will have access to any location where they have been assigned to at least one queue.  


Contains basic user information.

Username Account username; must be entered on login page by user, to login
First Name User's first name
Last Name User's last name
Email User's email address. An email address is required for every user account created and may not be duplicated from another user account.   
Mobile Number User's mobile number. Note: Only required if using SMS check-in notifications.
Default Location The user's primary work location.
Status The condition of the user's account. For example, if a user leaves the company, or switches roles in the company, status should be changed to Inactive to remove user access from the system. Do not delete a user, as this will affect reporting.
New Password administrators can manually create a user password when creating the account, or if manually resetting the password for the user.
Confirm Password if manually resetting a password, the administrator must retype the new password in the text box provided, to confirm.
Generate and email password to user Check the box to auto-generate a password. The password is emailed to the user after the administrator clicks Save.
Password Change Date Displays the last date the agent's password was changed.
Password Expire Date Displays the date the current agent password will expire.


Displays locations and queues the user is assigned to.

Queues Shows the current queues the agent has access to.
Location Allows admin to select location(s) agent should have access to.
Lobby Queue The queue(s)/department(s) the user is assigned to. Users are only able to assist customers who are checked-in to the queue(s) they are assigned to.
Work Queue The queue(s)/department(s) the user is assigned to. Work queues are not location specific and allow users to handle requests that come in by email, website, or phone. Customers are not present when working a work queue request.


Contains the access levels and permissions for the user. The administrator assigns access levels for the user.

User Standard setting - User may create and work service requests.
Limited User No longer used.
Supervisor Same access as User - May also edit and delete Service Requests. Note: Supervisors and above (i.e., admin, super admin) still appear in available employees list when creating an appointment in LobbyCentral Appointments, unless they Un-join the queue(s). Note: Supervisors should use Metrics, and Dashboard to view lobby information, rather than join the queue, if they do not plan to take customers.
Admin Same access as Supervisor - Has access to Administration, except System Options
Super Admin Super Admin is able to access all areas of LobbyCentral
Enable Access to Report Manager User may access Report Manager and create reports.
Enable Access to Dashboard User may view LobbyCentral Dashboard which contains statistics and analytics for all locations.
Show Service Description for Waiting Customers User may see customer's visit reason in the wait queue. Note: If option is disabled, users will see 'Hidden by Administrator' in place of the visit reason until the request is selected.
Ignore FIFO rule and allow to take customers out of turn Allows user to take customers out of order, instead of requiring them to be taken in order of arrival.
Allow users to merge customer records Gives user access to 'Merge Customer Records', where they will have the ability to merge duplicate customers.
Allow User to Edit Requests The ability to edit pending requests is limited to administrators and supervisors by default. If selected, the user will have the ability to edit requests without requiring admin privileges.

User Hours

User's scheduled work hours which are used when scheduling an appointment. To set the user's hours, click the User Hours tab and enter the appropriate hours for that user. Be sure to double check that AM and PM are set properly for user's start and end times. 

Adding Users to LobbyCentral

Check out the below video on how to add users to LobbyCentral, or you may follow the steps below the video.

Add User

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Users.
  2. Select New User.
  3. Enter a username.
  4. Enter the user’s first and last name.
  5. Enter the user's email address (required).
  6. Enter the user's mobile number (optional) Note: Only used if SMS notifications are enabled for users.
  7. Set the user’s default location.
  8. Set Status as Active (Default).
  9. Create temporary password for user to change after login, or click 'Generate and email password to user'.
  10. Click the Queues tab.
  11. Select a Location.
  12. Select a Queue from the Queue Type(Customer Queue or Work Queue). This will add the user to the selected location and queue(s). Note: Work queues do not require a location.
  13. Repeat Step 12 until user has been added to all required queues and locations.
  14. Click the Permissions tab.
  15. Set the user’s Access Level. By default, this will be set to User.
  16. Set the user’s permissions.
  17. Click the User Hours tab.
  18. Enter the user's scheduled work hours.
  19. Click Save.

Modify User

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Users.
  2. Locate the user to update and click Modify.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click Save.

Delete User

Users should only be deleted if they have never logged in, or if they have never helped a customer in LobbyCentral.

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Users.
  2. Locate the user to remove and click Delete (see note below).
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the user account.

Note: You cannot delete an agent's account once it has been used to create or close a service request. Modify the User's status to Inactive to prevent it from being used.

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