Data Lists (cloud)

Data tables contain custom descriptions that are used in various drop-down menus within LobbyCentral. See below for a description of each.

Data List Items

Account Types Used to customize a customer's account number. Example Account ID Types: Student ID, Patient Number, Customer ID Number, etc.  This is found inside the customer search function under the Account ID tab. Not visible to customers.  
Service Categories
Groups related service descriptions, for example, when creating a new queue. Service Groups are useful if you utilize many service descriptions. It makes finding and adding the service description to the queue, easier for the user. Service Groups are used for informational and organizational purposes only and are not seen by the customer.  This will be found under Queues & Services in the Administration portal.  Under Services, you can select the category under the "Group" dropdown.  Under Queues, you can filter through the categories under the Services tab.  
Service Accommodations Used to indicate if a customer requires a special service during check-in, for example, a translator. When creating an additional service need, you are required to select an icon. This icon is displayed in pending requests after check-in to alert the user of the requested service.  This is only seen when creating a manual check-in, not through the kiosk. 
Status Update Messages 

User created custom status messages which may be selected to display to waiting customers when StatusTrack is enabled. 

Add Data Table

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Data Lists
  2. Select a list from the menu.
  3. Enter a title into New Item.
  4. leave status set to Active
  5. Hit Enter on your keyboard to save.

Modify Data Table

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Data Lists
  2. Select the appropriate list from the drop-down menu.
  3. Locate the item to update, 
  4. highlight it make the desired changes.
  5. Typing over the previous title will automatically save the new title

Delete Data Table

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Data Tables
  2. Select the appropriate list from the menu.
  3. Locate the item to remove and click the Delete icon (garbage can).
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the item.
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