Close a Check-in Request

  1. Select the customer's name from the wait list to open the request.
  2. Enter closing comments in Request Details (optional).
  3. Click Check-out to close the ticket.

There are several additional actions which may be selected in place of Check-Out. The Actions dropdown menu is located to the right of the Check-Out button in the work record.

Actions included are, Abandon Check-In, Close and New Check-In, Reassign Queue/Service, Return Customer to Queue, and Delete Check-In. See below for examples of use.

  • Change Status to Abandoned: May be used in situations where a customer checked in but left the line before being assisted by an employee.
  • Check-out and New Check-In: Should be used when the current employee has finished assisting the customer, but the customer's business at the location is not yet completed. For example: The customer originally checked into Admissions for assistance with their college application. Once completed, the customer must check-in to the Financial Aid department to apply for a student loan.  *A benefit of using this feature is the customer may be checked in for the new service without having to move to the back of the line. This is helpful in reducing stress in customers who may need to be seen by multiple departments. Please see Prioritize Transferred Customer Based on Original Check-In time for more information.
  • Change incorrect queue / service: Used for customers who selected the wrong department, or the wrong service when checking in. The user may reassign the service to fit the customer's needs. Selecting this option will place the customer back into the queue based on the time they originally checked in.
  • Change Status to Waiting: May be used in situations where the customer must wait in the lobby for a period of time, after the user has begun assisting the customer. *For example: The customer has filled out a loan application, and the employee must submit the paperwork for to the loan department for approval. Returning the customer to the queue frees up the employee to help additional customers until the paperwork is completed by loan department staff.
  • Transfer to New User Allows the user to do a direct transfer to another user, without returning the customer to the wait queue. Only available when 'multi-customer handling mode' is enabled in System Options.
  • Delete Check-In may be used in situations where the customer has left the line before being assisted (if the company does not track abandoned requests), or in the case of test check-ins created by employees or administrators. "Delete Check-In" essentially erases the check-in record from LobbyCentral, so please use with care. This action is non-reversible. 

If an unassigned user wants to request a transfer of the service to themselves, for tickets that are "In Service," simply click on the customer line in service, and a Request to Transfer window will pop up on the other user's computer.  The assigned user can either approve or deny this request.  Once it's transferred, the request's ownership will change, and it can be handled by the new user.  This can be turned off in System Options (not recommended).  

If you need to check-in another customer when you've already got another request open, you can now click the icon with the green check mark to check in another customer without closing the window (see screenshot below).  This function is available in both single and multiple customer handling mode, found in the System Options.  

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