Manage Agent Counters

Customers may be directed to a counter rather than a specific employee by creating counter names, and assigning those counters to employees.

A counter can be a room number, window, or a counter; any type of location name which replaces the employee name (i.e., Room 250, Window B, Counter #1, etc.)

Create Agent Counter

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Agent Counters
  2. In Counter Management, click New Counter.
  3. Create the Counter Name.
  4. Select a Location.
  5. Select the Agent that will be assigned to the counter.
  6. Click Save.

Note: After counters are created and assigned, users will need to join the counter. For information on joining a counter, please review Join a Queue or Counter.

Modify Agent Counter 

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Agent Counters
  2. In Counter Management, locate the Counter to update, and click Modify.
  3. Make desired changes.
  4. Click Save.

Delete Agent Counter

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Agent Counters.
  2. In Counter Management, locate the Counter to remove, and click Delete.
  3. Confirm.

Note: You cannot delete an Agent Counter/ Window once it has been used. Modify the Agent Counter/ Window and change to Inactive to prevent it from being used.

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