How To Setup LobbyCentral (On-Premise)

Welcome to LobbyCentral! This start-up guide will walk you through the steps needed to configure your system.

Accessing LobbyCentral

  1. Open your web browser and go to http://<your-Server>/serviceCenterWeb/
  2. Enter username: admin
  3. Enter password: admin
  4. Click Log In.
  5. When prompted, change your password. Create a strong password for admin, as this user has unrestricted access.


To access the administrative functions, select  Tools > Administration from the top menu. The left-side menu, Settings, contains the functions that allow you to configure your system.

Create Location

  1. In Settings, click Locations.
  2. In Manage Locations, click New Location.
  3. Enter the name of the location.
  4. Set the max wait time for your customers.
  5. Set the location’s time zone.
  6. Leave status set to Active (default).
  7. Click Save.

A user account should be created for every employee who will assist customers. Creating a single  shared user account, for all employees to use, is not permitted. Each user can be assigned to work a single, or multiple queues, but at least one queue is required for each user. Queues that a user does not have access to will not appear on their home page.

Create Users

  1. Under Settings, click Users.
  2. In Manage Users, click New User.
  3. Enter a username.
  4. Enter the user’s first and last name.
  5. Enter the user's email address.
  6. Enter the user's mobile number and select mobile carrier (optional) Only used if user elects to receive SMS notifications.
  7. Set the user’s default location.
  8. Leave status set to Active (default).
  9. Enter a password for user. Not used if a Windows Login is provided.
  10. Click the Queues tab.**
  11. Select a Location.**
  12. Select a Queue. This will add the user to the selected location and queue.**
  13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 until user has been added to all required locations/queues.**
  14. Click the Security tab.
  15. Set the user’s Access Level. By default, this will be set to User.
  16. Set the user’s permissions.
  17. Click Save.

** Since you have not created any queues yet, you can skip steps 10-13 for now. You will be able to assign the user to the location/queue when creating your Queues.

Create Service Descriptions

  1. In Settings, click Service Descriptions.
  2. In Manage Service Descriptions, Click New Service.
  3. Enter the name of the Service DescriptionService descriptions identify a product or service that your customers need or use.
  4. Leave Status set to Active (default).
  5. (Optional) In Long Description, enter helpful information about the service you are creating. This information is displayed in the Notes section for users, when creating or working a Customer Request.
  6. Click Save.

Please note that all service descriptions must be assigned to at least one Queue, and likewise, all Queues must contain at least one Service Description.

This can be done when creating the Service Description. However, since we are just getting started, we have not added Queues to the account yet. This can also be accomplished when setting up a Queue.

Queues are used to hold service requests. A queue can be organized however you wish, but typically it is by department.  For example, a bank may use separate queues for Customer Service, Loans, and Investments, etc.

Users can only access requests in their assigned queues. They will receive a notification message when a new request has been added to the queue.

Queue Types

LobbyCentral has two types of queues:  Customer and Work.

  • A Customer queue is used for all walk-in customers.
  • A Work queue is used to hold requests for customers who are not present. For example, a service request that was sent by email, or phoned in, should be placed into a Contact queue, so an employee can respond to the customer’s request.

Create Queues

  1. In Settings, click Queues.
  2. In Manage Service Queues, click New Queue.
  3. Enter the name of queue.
  4. Select the queue type.
  5. Select the queue’s location.
  6. Leave the status set to Active (default).
  7. Click the Members tab.
  8. From the drop-down menu, select the users that will monitor and work this queue, and click Add User for each.
  9. Click the Services tab.
  10. From the Add Service menu, select each Available Service that you will assign to this queue. Note: A queue requires at least one Available Service.
  11. Click Save.

Create a Service

Log out of the administrator account and log in with the new user account that was created. On your home page, you should see the new service queue that was created. 

  1. Click Check-In.
  2. Enter the customer’s Name, Phone, Account ID, or Customer Number and click Continue.  You can also click Continue without entering a name.
  3. Select the customer from the search results or click New Customer.
  4. Select the service description from the drop-down list.
  5. (optional)Enter comments about the request.
  6. Enter any custom fields required if necessary.
  7. (optional)If the customer is requesting a specific employee, select that user from the Assign To list.
  8. (optional) Select the employee the customer was referred by.
  9. (optional) Check any options/special requests needed.
  10. Click Submit.

Your request should now appear in the pending service, or waiting list.

Working/Closing a Request

  • To take a pending service request, click the customer’s name in the list. This action will move the request from Pending to In-Service, and notify the other queue members that the request has been handled.
  • To close the request, click Check-out

That’s all there is to it! For additional information on these topics and more, please see our  On-Premise User Guide

If you are having issues installing or using LobbyCentral, please review our FAQ, or open a ticket by clicking Contact in the menu at the top of the page. Thank-you for using LobbyCentral!

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