Merge Customer Records / Duplicate Customers

  1. Select Tools > Merge Customer Records from the menu.
  2. Enter the customer name (or partial name), the phone number, account ID, or Customer Number for the Primary Customer Record (The record to transfer all duplicate records to).
  3. Click Continue.
  4. If a list of customer records is populated, select the primary customer record in which all other customer records will be merged to.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Enter the customer name (or partial name), the phone number, account ID, or Customer ID of the customer record(s) being merged into the primary record.
  7. Check the box for every customer record to be merged into the primary customer record.
  8. Click Merge Records and confirm.

Note: Do not run the merge tool for customer IDs that are assigned to a current pending or in-service request. 

Warning: Be sure to double check all customer records selected to be merged before clicking Merge Records. This operation can not be reversed.

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