How to move the LobbyCentral Database

This article will explain how to move your LobbyCentral database to a new server.

Notice:  Before you begin, you will need to know the LobbyCentral database username and password which can be found in c:\program files\fuhr software\lobbycentral\server\lobbycentralservice.exe.config.

  1. Using SQL Management Studio, connect to the existing LobbyCentral database and perform a full database back-up.
  2. Copy the file to the new database server.
  3. Disconnect and connect to the new database server.
  4. Restore the LobbyCentral database.
  5. Expand the LobbyCentral database and the Security, Users section.
  6. If present, delete the LobbyCentral or lobbyCentralUser account.
  7. Expand the Security, Logins section under the database server.
  8. Create a new login account using the same username and password found in the LobbyCentralService.exe.config file.
  9. In User Mappings, grant the “dbo” role for the LobbyCentral database. 
  10. Update the LobbyCentralService.exe.config file and change the DataSource property from the old database server name to the new.
  11. Update c:\program files\fuhr software\lobbycentral\web\CustomerSettings.config and change the DataSource property to the new server name.
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