Date Restrictions
Administrators now have the ability to block specific Appointment dates and/or times in LobbyCentral. After the time/date block is created, appointments will be disabled during the blocked times.
Date Restriction Setup
- Login to LobbyCentral and go to Tools > Administration > Data > Date Restrictions.
- Use the < > buttons at the top of the calendar to select the month.
- Click on the desired date.
- Create a title, such as "Federal Holiday"
- If the office will be closed all day, simply verify the 'All Day' box is checked and save.
- If the office will be closed for a specified amount of time uncheck "All Day."
- Click inside the start time slot, and first select whether the time added will be in AM or PM.
- Click inside the Hour field to display the clock.
- click the appropriate hour start time.
- Click again to select the minutes.
- Be sure to select AM or PM.
- Click Done.
- Repeat steps (10-12) to select the stop time.
- To repeat the closure for the same timeframe, select the Repeats dropdown menu and select either weekly, monthly or yearly.
- Select the locations where the closure will take place from the Locations dropdown menu.
- Save.