SAAS TERMS Updated effective 5/29/2024


These Terms of Service comprise a binding legal agreement between you and Fuhr Software, Inc., dba as LobbyCentral (collectively referred to as “LobbyCentral”).  Please review this agreement carefully.

By creating a LobbyCentral account you are accepting to be bound by these Terms of Service, and you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the following Terms of Service, including any additional guidelines and future modifications (collectively, the "Terms"). Clicking on the “create account” button or using the Services in lieu of signing this agreement is the same as signing a hardcopy contractual agreement.  If you do not agree to the Terms, you may not use, or no longer use the LobbyCentral service, and should not create an account.

It is effective between you and us as of the date of You accepting this agreement. 

These Terms were last updated on August 10, 2022.  By continuing to use the Service (as defined herein) you agree to the Terms and any updates to the Terms.  If you do not agree to the Terms or any updates to the Terms, you may not use the Service and must terminate your subscription and close your account.

1. License to the LobbyCentral Service

LobbyCentral is a web-based service, available at and, that allows you to use software developed and owned by LobbyCentral and offered as a software as a service in order to check-in customers and check-out customers and otherwise manage waiting customers (the “Service”). Subject to these Terms, LobbyCentral hereby grants you a limited license to use the Service as a free trial, for monetary payment, or for use as an ad-supported version of the Service. Your use of The Service is at your own risk. The Service is strictly provided on an AS-IS and AS AVAILABLE basis.

“Customer Check-In” is defined as the following activity:

a)     collecting a customer's first and last name

b)     collecting a customer's phone number and email address

c)     collecting your own custom defined content including comments and notes that is not 1) business sensitive data, 2) in violation of local or federal compliance policies, 3) accounting in nature or 4)inventory    data

d)     collecting date/time of visit, date/time service was provided, and date/time service after completed/customer left.

The Service is designed solely for the purpose of Customer Check-In.  Use of the Service for any other purpose is forbidden and in violation of these Terms. You may not use the Service to store customer account information or provide any other services that are not part of the intended purpose of the Service. If you use the Service for any purpose other than Customer Check In LobbyCentral may immediately terminate your account and will not be required to refund any money paid to LobbyCentral for the use of the Service. Furthermore, LobbyCentral is not liable for damages including loss of business, loss of revenue resulting from using the Service for any other purpose. 


2. Your Content

The information collected in a Customer Check-In along with any other information you upload or provide to the Service is known as the “Content.” By providing any Content to the Service, whether directly through your use of the Service or from a Customer Check-In, you grant LobbyCentral and LobbyCentral’s affiliates and service providers, and each of their and LobbyCentral’s respective licensees, successors, and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for the purpose of providing the Service. LobbyCentral does not claim any ownership in any of the Content, including any text, data, information, images, photographs, music, sound, video, or other material, that you upload, transmit, or store in your account. You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any Content submitted by you or through a Customer Check-In, and have full responsibility for such Content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness. LobbyCentral is not responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any Content submitted by you or through a Customer Check-In.

LobbyCentral disclaims any and all liability in connection with or arising from Content uploaded, stored, transmitted or otherwise distributed by a user. By uploading, storing, transmitting or otherwise distributing Content, including through your use of a Customer Check-In, you affirm, represent, and warrant that the Content does not and will not: (i) violate these Terms , (ii) infringe, violate, or misappropriate any third-party right, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right or (iii) slander, defame, or libel any other person; or (iv) contain any viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code. Violators of any third-party rights may be subject to criminal and civil liability. LobbyCentral reserves all rights and remedies against any Users who violate these Terms.

In the event LobbyCentral receives any information or notice that any Content uploaded, stored, transmitted or otherwise distributed by user violates these Terms or infringes any copyright, trademark, or patent, or is alleged to infringe any copyright, trademark, or patent, LobbyCentral reserves the right to immediately remove the Content without notice to the user and without any obligation to investigate an allegation of infringement. LobbyCentral further reserves the right in its sole and unfettered discretion to remove for any reason whatsoever and at any time, any Content uploaded, stored, transmitted or otherwise distributed by a user, without prior notice to user.

Your Content is retained for a maximum of 2 years from the date service first began.  Data older than 2 years is automatically purged from the system.   You will receive a notification that a data purge is scheduled for your account 60-days before the purge is performed.  You may retain data older than 2 years by using the Excel/CSV Report Generator.  You may also request a copy of your database for a fee of $250 per export, with a limit of once per month.  Please contact [email protected].

Access to your Content is available only if you have a non-expired paid subscription.  You may request your Content be sent to you during or after your subscription provided that (a) you pay an additional fee for the preparation and delivery of the Content, (b) you request delivery of your Content during a non-expired subscription period or within 90-days your subscription ended.  Content will be delivered in a Microsoft SQL Server database file and will be placed on a secure site for download by You. Your Content may be permanently deleted after 90-days of an inactive subscription.

3. Privacy

Your privacy is important to LobbyCentral The LobbyCentral Privacy Policy -  Privacy Policy Updated effective 3/5/2021 - LobbyCentral Support - is hereby incorporated into these Terms by reference. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully for information relating to LobbyCentral's collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.

4. Modification of These Terms

When using the Service, any additional posted guidelines or rules applicable to specific services and features which may be posted from time to time. All such guidelines and rules are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms. LobbyCentral may, at its sole discretion, modify or revise these Terms and policies at any time; by using the Service you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions.  If you do not accept and abide by these Terms, you may not use the Service.

When the Terms have been modified, we will, at our discretion, send you a notification or post an announcement on the Login page at which will be displayed for a period of seven (7) days from the date The Terms were modified.

5. Use of the Service

You are responsible for your own communications and communications to and from your account with the Service, and for all Content sent to and from your account, stored under your account, and activity that occurs under your account (even when Content is posted by others who have access to your account) and for any consequences thereof or arising therefrom. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with the Terms, all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence. Violation of any of the foregoing will result in immediate termination of this Agreement and your account with the Service and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences. LobbyCentral reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to investigate your use of the Service in order to determine whether a violation of the Agreement has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

6. Content of the Service, Ownership, and Intellectual Property Rights

LobbyCentral takes no responsibility for third-party content (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor does it have any obligation to monitor such third-party content. LobbyCentral reserves the right at all times to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Service, such as content that violates these Terms. LobbyCentral also reserves the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information and Content as it reasonably believes is necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, (b) enforce the Terms, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues (including, without limitation, the filtering of spam), (d) respond to user support requests, or (e) protect the rights, property, or safety of LobbyCentral, its users and the public. LobbyCentral will not be responsible or liable for the exercise or non-exercise of its rights under this Agreement and no lack of enforcement of any of these Terms shall be considered a waiver of such right.

The visual interfaces, graphics, design, compilation, information, branding, trademarks, computer code (including source code or object code), products, services, and all other elements of the Service provided and owned by LobbyCentral are protected by United States copyright, trademark, trade dress, patent, and trademark laws, international conventions, and all other relevant intellectual property and proprietary rights, and applicable laws and are the property of LobbyCentral or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third-party licensors. Except as may otherwise be noted, all registered and common trademarks service marks and trade names are proprietary to LobbyCentral or its affiliates and/or third-party licensors.

7. Content Disclaimer

You understand that when using the Service you may be exposed to Content from a variety of sources, and that LobbyCentral is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such Content. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to Content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against LobbyCentral with respect thereto. LobbyCentral does not endorse any Content or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein, and LobbyCentral expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Content.

  8. Use of the Kiosk Disclaimer Message Feature

The LobbyCentral Kiosk contains a feature to display to your customer, a disclaimer or other message that you have written and that the customer must acknowledge before he or she can complete the check-in process.    This message may not constitute a legally binding agreement between you and your customer, and you are solely responsible for the content of the message and its enforcement.  You agree to hold LobbyCentral and its partners harmless against any legal issues arising from the use of the disclaimer message feature, its wording, and any claims made against you by another company or individual that has used the LobbyCentral Kiosk.  You are advised to consult with an attorney regarding the use of a disclaimer message BEFORE activating this feature.

9. Advertisements

The Service may contain advertising and sponsorships. Advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the Service is accurate and complies with applicable laws. LobbyCentral does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or service advertised or offered by a third party through the Service or any hyperlinked website or featured in any banner or other advertising. LobbyCentral is not responsible for the illegality or any error, inaccuracy or problem in the advertiser’s or sponsor’s materials. LobbyCentral will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction between a user and third-party providers of products or services. You agree to hold harmless LobbyCentral for any act or omission of any advertiser. The parties acknowledge that LobbyCentral shall not be held liable for any act or omission by any advertiser.

10.  Data Confidentiality and Security

LobbyCentral has taken commercially reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the Content when it is being stored and transmitted. In the event of a data breach, please review LobbyCentral's Incident Response Notification Procedure.

a)  Content transmitted is sent using Secured Socket Layer ("SSL") which is a process of encrypting the data before it is sent from the user to the Service and from the Service to the user.  The user can verify that SSL is active by examining the Service's web address which will begin with "https".  Additionally, the user can verify that the SSL Certificate used to encrypt the Content is valid by viewing the certificate information using the web browser's feature to view a certificate.

b)  LobbyCentral's entire infrastructure is U.S. based and is managed by U.S. persons only. Access to server where the Content is stored is accessible only by employees of LobbyCentral.  Third-parties do not have access to the server.  If a third-party requires access to server to fix or identify an issue, access is monitored by LobbyCentral by establishing a remote desktop session in which we log into the server and the third-party connects directly to the remote desktop session.  In this instance, the third-party is not connecting to the server and its activity can be viewed. LobbyCentral's data center and storage locations are located in the Continental U.S. (CONUS).  All customer-generated data stored in Amazon AWS is also CONUS.

c)  LobbyCentral uses servers for the Service are located in a secured, third-party data center located in Chicago, IL, USA.  The third party has implemented reasonable security measures to limit and control access to the data center to authorized persons only. LobbyCentral may update the location of its Services from time to time.

d)  Data stored in the database is encrypted at rest.

e)  LobbyCentral employs the use of logins and passwords to protect against unauthorized persons from accessing its computers, tables, and other electronic devices at the company's offices. 

f)  Upon an employee leaving LobbyCentral we will terminate all logins and accounts used at the company and the Services and Content servers, terminate access to the building by recovering keys and changing access codes, and terminate remote login access associated with the former employee.

g)  Content will be stored in a separate database file for each account.  The Service is a commonly shared application by all users.

11. Prohibited Activities; Enforcement of Policies

By agreeing to these Terms, you agree not to:

(a) authorize or encourage any third party to: (i) use the Service to upload, store, transmit or otherwise distribute any content that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, contains viruses, or is otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by LobbyCentral; (ii) upload, store, transmit or otherwise distribute content that infringes upon another party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary, contractual or fiduciary rights or obligations; (iii) prevent others from using the Service; or (iv) use the Service for any fraudulent or inappropriate purpose.

b) except as expressly permitted herein, use the Service for any purposes other than to access and use such services offered by Fuhr Software, Inc.;

c) share a single login or account with multiple companies, or divisions of a company. Your account may only be used by the company which registered for the Service;

d) share a single login with multiple people. Your login may be used by only one person, but you may create separate logins for as many others as you desire;

e) block ads if you are a free account user;

f) impersonate any person or entity, falsely claim an affiliation with any person or entity, or access accounts of others without permission, forge another persons' digital signature or identity, misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Service, or perform any other similar fraudulent activity;

g) make unsolicited offers, advertisements, proposals, or send junk mail or spam to other users of the Service. This includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or other solicitation material, bulk mailing of commercial advertising, chain mail, informational announcements, charity requests, and petitions for signatures;

h) use the Service for any illegal purpose, or in violation of any local, state, national, or international law, including, without limitation, laws governing intellectual property and other proprietary rights, and data protection and privacy;

i) defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud users of the Service, or collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about users or third parties without their consent;

j) remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Service or Content, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Service, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the Service or Content;

k) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Service or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation;

l) modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based upon the Service or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation;

m) intentionally interfere with or damage operation of the Service or any user's enjoyment of it, by any means, including uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code;

n) use any robot, spider, scraper, application, or other automated means to access the Service for any purpose or bypass any measures LobbyCentral may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service;

o) interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service;

p) use automated programs or "bots" or any device that has not been approved by LobbyCentral to interface, connect to, or use the Service, including the Kiosk, QMonitor or any other Service modules; or

q) allow any users under the age of 13 to use the Service.

LobbyCentral reserves the right to scan all Content to ensure compliance with these Terms. In the event LobbyCentral determines, in its sole discretion, that your use of the Service is in violation of these Terms, LobbyCentral shall have the right without recourse by the user to immediately terminate your account.

12. Account, Payment, and Refund

When you use the Service, you may be asked to establish an account and establish passwords. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and passwords and for restricting access to your computer and/or account, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or passwords. You agree that the information you provide to LobbyCentral on registration and at all other times will be true, accurate, current, and complete. You also agree that you will ensure that this information is kept accurate and up to date at all times. If you have reason to believe that your account is no longer secure (e.g., in the event of a loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure or use of your account ID, password, or any credit, debit or charge card number, if applicable), then you agree to immediately notify LobbyCentral You may be liable for the losses incurred by LobbyCentral or others due to any unauthorized use of the Service account.

A valid credit card or purchase order is required for all accounts with an active subscription (non-free) account. The Service is billed in advance for monthly subscriptions or on an annual basis and is non-refundable. Service will be terminated, and subscription cancelled, if payment reaches 90 days past due. Accounts that have been invoiced and for which a valid purchase order has been issued are subject to a $50/mo. late fee.

There are no refunds or credits for partial months of service, downgrading your subscription or queues, or remaining months in an annual subscription. Please note that there are no exceptions to this policy. All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and you shall be responsible for payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties, excluding only United States (federal or state) taxes. We will charge your credit card for any plan changes from the date of the change to your next billing cycle.

Downgrading your Service may cause the loss of Content, features, or capacity your account. LobbyCentral does not accept any liability for such loss.

Subscriptions that are past due 90 days will be terminated and the data may be permanently deleted and will require a new subscription. LobbyCentral does not assume any liability nor is it responsible for the loss of this data.

We reserve the right to close your account and delete all data associated with your account if you cancel your account or if we close your account for non-payment. This data is not recoverable, and we are not liable for the loss of this information.

13. Fee Changes

LobbyCentral, in its sole discretion and at any time, may modify the Subscription fees for the Subscriptions. Any Subscription fee change will become effective at the end of the then-current Billing Cycle. LobbyCentral will provide you with a reasonable prior notice of any change in Subscription fees to give you an opportunity to terminate your Subscription before such change becomes effective. Your continued use of the Service after the Subscription fee change comes into effect constitutes your agreement to pay the modified Subscription fee amount.

14. Free Trial

If you register on our website for a free trial, we will make one or more aspects of the Service available to you on a trial basis free of charge until the earlier of (a) the end of the free trial period for which you registered or are registering to use the applicable Service or (b) the start date of any purchased service ordered by you.  Additional Trial Terms of Service may appear on the trial registration web page.  Any such additional terms and conditions are incorporated into these Terms by reference and are legally binding.


We require a valid, non-free email address registered to your company, company name, and Your name to register for a free trial or paid subscription account.  Email addresses that are provided by a free email service providers such as, but not limited to GMAIL, Hotmail, and Yahoo are not permitted.

If you initially sign up for a premium (non-free) account that includes a free trial, and you do not cancel that account within the specified free trial period, you will be billed monthly starting the day after your free trial period has ended. If you cancel prior to the processing of your first invoice, during your free trial period, you will not be charged. An upgrade from the free plan to any paying plan will end your free trial. You will be billed for your first month immediately upon upgrading.

15. User Indemnifications and Hold Harmless

User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless LobbyCentral, its affiliated companies, officers, directors, employees and agents from and against all claims, demands, suits, costs, damages, and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and reasonable settlements that LobbyCentral may sustain or incur by reason of (a) use of the Service, (b) breach, alleged breach or violation of the foregoing warranties, representations, covenants, or prohibited activities, (c) any violation of any third party right arising from Content submitted by user, (d) any claim that any Content submitted by a user caused damage to a third party, or (e) any other violation of these Terms. User’s obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless LobbyCentral, Inc. shall survive these the termination of any license between use and LobbyCentral, including these Terms.

16. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitations of Liability

The Service is offered as-is and use of the Service is at user’s sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, LobbyCentral, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with the Service and use thereof. LobbyCentral assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of Service content, (ii) personal injury or damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from access to and use of the Service, (iii) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service website by any third party, and/or (iv) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service. User agrees not to hold LobbyCentral, its officers, directors, employees or agents liable for any of the foregoing whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not LobbyCentral is advised of the possibility of such damages.

Certain jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If you reside is such a jurisdiction, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights. The limitations or exclusions of warranties, remedies or liability contained in these Terms apply to you to the fullest extent such limitations or exclusions are permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located.

17. Limitation of Damages 


18. Termination

You may cancel your use of the Services and/or terminate your account and these Terms with or without cause at any time by providing notice to Fuhr Software, Inc.; provided, however, that a terminated account may continue to exist for a reasonable period of time before such cancellation takes effect in order for LobbyCentral to process the termination. You may terminate your account ONLY in the manner set forth in this section. In addition to the right to terminate your account for using the Service in a manner that violates these Terms as LobbyCentral may at any time and for any reason terminate the Service, terminate these Terms, or suspend or terminate your account. In the event of termination, your account will be disabled, and you may not be granted access to your account or any files or other content contained in your account although residual copies of information and Content may remain in the Service system.

In order to terminate your account, you MUST follow the instructions and account termination procedures provided herein. An account cannot be terminated in any other way and LobbyCentral cannot terminate an account by email, telephone or fax instructions. You will continue to be charged until you terminate your account and LobbyCentral will not refund any payments to any user that has not properly terminated their account per these Terms.

To terminate the account subscription, you must do the following:

a) To terminate you must have an administrator account login.

b) If your subscription is paid using a credit card, you may cancel your account by logging into ( and click Tools, Administration, Billing, Cancel Subscription.

c) If your subscription is paid by invoice, you must contact us 30 days before your subscription ends to cancel.

19. Miscellaneous Terms

a) These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, except for its conflicts of laws principles. User consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts in Franklin County, Ohio.

b) LobbyCentral may transfer and assign these Terms and ownership of the Service without restriction. User may not transfer or assign any of these Terms or its Account.

c) User affirms and warrants that user is legally competent to enter into these Terms, and the conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, covenants and warranties set forth herein.

d) If any provision of these Terms is found illegal or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms shall not be affected.

e) No waiver of any term of these Terms shall be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver of such term.

g) Accounts that remain inactive (unpaid) for more than 90 days may be deleted without contacting you.  This includes all Content associated with your account.

h) By creating an account and accepting these Terms, you agree to allow LobbyCentral to send you periodic emails including but not limited to system maintenance announcements, newsletter, and other marketing materials.  You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.  If you unsubscribe from these communications, you understand that you will no longer receive emails announcing system availability and that it you will be required to check for system unavailability.

System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Edge (Windows only)
  • Safari, two latest releases only (Mac only)
  • Google Chrome, current release only (Windows and Mac)

**Internet Explorer is no longer supported

The Service requires that cookies and JavaScript are enabled to work properly.

The Service is offered by LobbyCentral, located at:

150 E Mound Street, Suite 309

Columbus, OH, 43215, USA

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