How can I find out what new features have been added to LobbyCentral?

Changes including new features and bug fixes can be found in the Change Release Notes which is updated with every release.

On-Premise customers can find the Change Release Notes in the root of the update folder or here: On-Premise - LobbyCentral Support

Cloud customers can find the most recent notes here: Cloud Change Release Notes

If you have a specific question about a change, or have a proposed change in mind, please email [email protected].

Can I schedule a call to review changes with an account representative or manager?

Do to the number of changes that we release, it is not possible to schedule a conference call to review all changes. However, if you have specific questions about a change or want to know if a specific change has been implemented, you can contact the support team at [email protected]

Where is the LobbyCentral Roadmap? Can I get a list of upcoming features?

Due to policy, we do not publish a development roadmap or reveal upcoming features for LobbyCentral.

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