Web Kiosk Settings

Note: For on-premise global kiosk settings, please see Web Kiosk Global Settings (on premise) - LobbyCentral Support.

The web kiosk provides a self-service check-in system for your customers. It is accessed by a compliant web-browser or by installing the LobbyCentral Kiosk iPad app, available in iTunes.

To access kiosk general settings, go to Tools > Administration > Kiosk- General Settings.

Settings & Options

Allows User control of the web kiosk settings.

Idle Time-Out Allows the user to select how long the kiosk must remain idle before resetting to the Welcome screen.  For Example, if a customer starts the check-in process, but leaves the kiosk before completing check-in, the kiosk will return to the Welcome screen after the selected amount of time.
Confirmation Page Delay The user can select how long the Check-In Confirmation page will display before refreshing to the Welcome Screen. The default setting is 8 seconds.
Hide Check-In Options Screen If this option is selected, the kiosk will begin on the Name screen. Appointment check-in at the kiosk will not be available if this option is selected.
Hide Account ID Field If selected, the Account ID field will not be shown on the Name screen.
Show call-out number on the final screen LobbyCentral can generate a number and assign it to a customer request. This number is displayed to both the customer and the user. When the user changes the customer's status from pending, to in-service, the call-out number is displayed on QMonitor as well as the user's screen, in place of the customer's name. A DYMO printer may be connected to the kiosk to print the call-out number for the customer. See Kiosk Ticket & Visitor Badge Setup for more detail on printing a ticket.  
Hide 'Other Service' option If selected, the customer is required to select a visit reason from the drop-down menu and, "Other Service Not Listed’ is not shown.
Show all users regardless of sign-in status (applies to user or supervisor levels only) If selected, all users with a LobbyCentral account, will be displayed in the Requested Employee list regardless of whether they are signed in to the portal.
Hide 'First Available' option Hides the option to choose First Available employee, requiring the customer to select an employee from the list provided. If this option is enabled and no users are signed in, the First Available option will still be displayed.
Hide Requested Employee drop-down list  The user may hide or show the Requested Employee list, which allows the customer to choose who they are meeting with.
Hide Appointment Check-In Button  Allows user to hide or show the appointment button, on the kiosk. If the appointment button is hidden, only walk-in check-in is available.
Show queue services in a separate drop-down The queues and services will be separated into two drop-down menus when this option is selected. When disabled, queues and services are combined into one drop-down menu, with the services listed below each queue. 
Update customer phone when checking in by phone number 
When enabled, if the customer enters a different phone number than what is currently on record in LobbyCentral, LobbyCentral will replace the old number with the new number.
Hide Appointment Phone Number check-in  Disables requiring a customer phone number when creating an appointment in LobbyCentral


The default Kiosk wallpaper (shown behind the input elements) may be replaced with a custom image file. The image resolution should match the device the kiosk is running on. For example, if you are using the iPad Kiosk app, be sure that the resolution matches the iPad’s display requirements
Device Size of Wallpaper
iPad 1st & 2nd generation 1024 x 768
iPad 3rd & 4th generation 2048 x 1436
iPad Mini 1024 x 768
Android Web Browser Use the device's supported display resolution
Web Browser (PC or Mac) Use the computer's current display resolution setting

Select Language Title and Subtitle

LobbyCentral allows you to customize the title and subtitle for the language selection screen of the kiosk. To use the default setting, leave text box blank.

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