How do I manually remove pending or in-service requests for a specific location?

Removing service requests is not recommended unless it causing a system error.

Before manually removing requests, which requires assistance from your IT department, please use the Fix Requests page to remove requests that are causing issues.   Fix Requests can be accessed through the Tools menu.

If using Fix Requests does not resolve the issue, requests must be manually removed from the database using the process below.

  1. Using SQL Management Studio, connect to the LobbyCentral database
  2. Execute the following query to obtain a list of Location IDs:
    SELECT locationID, locationName FROM tblLocation
  3. Using the correct locationID,  execute the following query: 
    DELETE FROM tblRequest_Queue WHERE locationID = [your_location_id] AND convert(char, dateIn, 101) = '[mm/dd/yyyy]' AND status = [target_status]
    your_location_id = locationID from step 2  
    [mm/dd/yyyy]= the date to remove.  Must be in mm/dd/yyyy format and enclosed in single-quotes.
    target_status = the status of the request.  0 for Waiting/Pending or 1 for In-Service
    Do not include the brackets in any of the above statements

EXAMPLE - Removes In-Service requests for location 1 that were created on 8/30/16:

DELETE FROM tblRequest_Queue WHERE convert(char, dateIn, 101) = '08/30/2016' AND status = 1 AND locationID=1

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