How do I cancel my Cloud Service?

Please note: To ensure accuracy, all cloud accounts must be cancelled online in Administration. Emails or calls to cancel an account are not accepted (with the exception of invoiced customers).

After the cloud service has been cancelled, the subscription is terminated, but customers may still access the account until the service end date. After  90 days, the account may be permanently deleted from our servers. Note: This does not apply to Seasonal Subscribers.

To Cancel Service

  1. Login to the LobbyCentral portal with your admin account.
  2. Go to Tools > Administration > Subscription Information
  3. Under Current Subscription - Plan, click Cancel Subscription.
  4. Confirm.
To restart a subscription, simply log back into the portal, and LobbyCentral will automatically direct you to  Subscription Information, where you can restart your subscription and enter your payment method.

Seasonal Subscribers

LobbyCentral generally stores customer data from 90 days to 1 year after subscription cancellation. We ask that seasonal users, such as tax preparers, please contact [email protected] to request a hold of your data to ensure that it is not purged before you are ready to re-subscribe.

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