Slow performance / Timeout Message

NOTE:  This article has been updated to use Microsoft's recommendation of rebuilding table indexes.

NOTE:   Be sure you are using the very latest version of LobbyCentral (8.0.17 or higher) which contains database performance enhancements

It is important that you log out of LobbyCentral when you leave the office for the day. This helps to keep the User Board information accurate.

To logout click the Logout link located in the top right corner of the screen.

Server Performance

LobbyCentral can be impacted by server performance.

  • If there are other applications running on the same server as LobbyCentral, verify that these applications are not over-consuming resources.
  • When the LobbyCentral application performs slowly, check the server's memory and CPU usage to ensure that the server contains enough resources to support requests during peak time periods. As a general rule we recommend 32GB of memory.

Timing Out

  • A user session is valid for 12 hours after logging in, and then it will expire.
  • If users attempt to do anything in LobbyCentral after the session expires, it will take them back to the Login page and display a message indicating that their session had expired.
  • If a user closes the browser (not minimize), this will immediately expire the session.
  • If a user leaves the browser open and logged into LobbyCentral overnight, the session will expire.
  • If the user loses their internet connection or experiences a momentary disruption, this can expire the session.

SQL Server Timeout/Slowness

If users receive an error message about a SQL Server Timeout or if it appears to be running slowly, you will need to rebuild the databases index. 

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Instruct users to log out of LobbyCentral.
  2. Shut down QMonitor and Kiosk appliances.
  3. Make a backup of the LobbyCentral database.
  4. Execute the following SQL:
<code>use lobbycentral GO  exec sp_updatestats

Log into LobbyCentral and verify timeout issue has been resolved.   Go to Search, Request Search, and set a two-month date range.

In addition to rebuiding the index, verify that you are performing a full backup followed by a transaction log backup.  If the database model is set to Simple, you do not need to backup the transaction log.

Database Backup Command

<code>BACKUP DATABASE 'lobbycentral' TO  DISK = 'c:\lobbycentral.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,  NAME = 'LobbyCentral backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

Transaction Log Backup Command

<code>BACKUP LOG 'lobbycentral' TO  DISK = 'c:\lobbycentral_log.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,  NAME = 'LobbyCentral log backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

You must perform a database backup BEFORE transaction log backup.

Adding Indexes (Only for versions of LobbyCentral below 8.0) 

The following indexes were added to LobbyCentral version 8.0 and can be used in lower versions.   

Connect to the LobbyCentral database and execute the SQL statements to generate these indexes:

<code>IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_tblRequest_ordinal')   BEGIN   exec('   CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblRequest_ordinal]   ON [dbo].[tblRequest_Service] ([ordinal])   INCLUDE ([requestID],[serviceID],[serviceDescOvrd])   ')   END  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_tblRequest_requestID_ordinal') BEGIN exec(' CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblRequest_requestID_ordinal] ON [dbo].[tblRequest_Service] ([requestID],[ordinal]) INCLUDE ([serviceID],[serviceDescOvrd]) ') END  IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_tblRequest_customerID') BEGIN exec('CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblRequest_customerID] ON [dbo].[tblRequest] ([customerID]) ') END
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