What are the System Requirements for LobbyCentral?

Updated 9/28/2021


  • Microsoft Edge*, Google Chrome, or Firefox
  • Mac or PC, or compatible tablet
  • High speed internet. Recommend min speed 10x1 (10MB down / 1MB up)
  • Sound card (optional)
  • JavaScript and cookies enabled for *.lobbycentral.com
  • TLS 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 (recommend).  SSL 3.0 is no longer supported.

*It is recommended to use  Microsoft Edge in place of Internet Explorer, as IE has been discontinued by Microsoft and will no longer be supported.



  • Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
  • Sound card (optional)
  • PC, Mac, or compatible tablet
  • JavaScript and cookies enabled

Application Server

  • Windows Server 2012 or higher, 32 or 64-bit
  • 4GB RAM (see Memory Adjustments)
  • 10GB Free Hard Disk
  • IIS 6 or higher
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

SQL Server

  • SQL Server 2014 or higher, Standard, Enterprise, or Express Advanced (see limitations of Express)
  • Mixed Mode authentication
  • 4GB RAM (see Memory Adjustments)
  • 100GB free hard drive space

Limitations of SQL Express

SQL Express is not recommended when using LobbyCentral in three or more locations. Express has the following limitations which will affect LobbyCentral’s performance:

  • Max memory is 1GB
  • Max database size is 10GB
  • Max processors is 1

These limitations are critical in high traffic environments.  Do not use SQL Express if LobbyCentral is used at six or more locations, or with LobbyCentral Corporate (Enterprise edition).

Memory Adjustments

Server memory should be adjusted for the following scenarios:

  • The application and SQL are hosted on the same server:  Server memory required:  8GB
  • LobbyCentral is used at three or more locations:  Server memory required is 8GB
  • LobbyCentral is used at ten or more locations:  Database memory required:  12GB
  • LobbyCentral Corporate (Enterprise ed.):  Server memory 8GB, Database memory 16GB. 
These adjustments assume that LobbyCentral is the only application running on the Application server and the only database on the Database server.  Additional adjustments may be required based on the consumption of resources by other applications.

Multiple processor server is recommend for LobbyCentral Enterprise.

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