Visitor Badge & Check-In Ticket Printing (cloud)

Check-In Ticket

LobbyCentral Kiosk has the ability to print a check-in ticket displaying a customer callout number. Callout numbers must be enabled by an administrator under System Options in Administration.

Callout Numbers are used in conjunction with QMonitor (DS and Classic), to page a customer by number in environments which prevent the customer’s name from being used. The printed check-in ticket shows the customer’s number, and is displayed in QMonitor when the customer is paged to the counter.

If the badge label does not print, or if an error is received indicating that a DYMO printer was not found, please review Kiosk Ticket & Visitor Badge Setup, for instructions on verifying and enabling ActiveX controls.

Visitor Badge

The web kiosk will print a visitor badge for both  Customer Check-in/Check-out, and Visitor Sign-in/Sign-out. If LobbyCentral is being used for Customer Check-in/Check-out, customers may check-in using the kiosk. However, visitors (non-customers) must be checked in by a LobbyCentral user through the Visitor Security Center.

For Check-In Ticket and Visitor Badge system requirements, please review Kiosk Ticket & Visitor Badge Setup.

Enable Check-In Ticket / Visitor Badge Printing

  1. Verify DYMO printer is connected to the computer. 
  2. To access the web kiosk, logout of LobbyCentral and go to the App Center on the portal login screen, or go to
  3. Enter Company ID.
  4. Select the Kiosk profile.
  5. Enter the username, and password.
  6. If printing visitor badges, select the badge printer from the drop-down menu 
  7. If printing check-in tickets, select the ticket printer from the drop-down menu
  8. Click Start Kiosk.
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