Service Record - Search & Edit (cloud)

The search menu contains three types of search actions; search by Service Record, search by Appointment, and search by Customer. This article deals with searching for Service Records only.

Note: A user's account must have the appropriate permissions to edit a service request. Otherwise, the user may only view the details.

Search results will vary depending on how much information is entered. The less information entered into the search, the larger the yielded results.

Request Search

  1. Go to Search > Service Records.
  2. Enter available information. At a minimum, Start and End dates must be entered.
  3. Click Search.

Edit Closed Service Requests

  1. In the menu, go to Search > Service Records.
  2. Enter available information.
  3. click Search
  4. Locate the record to edit, and click Detail.
  5. Select Edit Time, at the bottom of the Request Details screen.
  6. Make the desired changes.
  7. Click Save.

When changing the date and time of a service request, it is important that all Time fields agree.  For example: If a user changes Work Tickets: Time Seen, from 9:30 am to 9:40 am, then Worked Services: Time Started, must also be changed to 9:40 am.

Delete Service Request

Users must have Administrative rights to delete a closed service request. 

Note: Proceed with caution. Once a request has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.

  1. Select Detail next to the request to be removed.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Confirm.

Explanation of Time Slots

After a check-in request has been completed, all dates and times recorded in Work Tickets and Worked Services should agree with each other. If these fields do not match, the request may need to be edited by an administrator in Tools > Fix Requests. For more information, please review Fix Requests.

Work Tickets

  • Date Seen: Date the request was taken.
  • Time Seen: Time the request was taken.
  • Date Out: Date the request was closed.
  • Time Out: Time the request was closed.

Worked Services

  • Started: Time the service was started.
  • Completed: Time the service was completed.

Request Summary

A request summary displays information regarding a customer's service request. Among information collected are the name of the customer, the date the service request was created, who completed the request, any comments, etc. 
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