What is LobbyView?

LobbyView is a web page widget that show current waiting conditions for specific locations and/or queues.  Because it is a simple web page component, it is viewable on both desktop and mobile devices.

Here is an example widget that displays all queues for a location.    Styling can be applied by overriding widget CSS default styles.   See Applying CSS Styling.

LobbyView is only available for the cloud platform and is already included in the monthly subscription cost.


  1. Active LobbyCentral Cloud account.
  2. JQuery 1.8 or higher

How it Works

On the web page that will display the widget:

  1. Add a reference to JQuery 1.8 or higher.
  2. Add a reference to the LobbyView JS library including your Access Key.
  3. Add the DIV place holder that will display the widget data.
  4. Add the code to populate the placeholder after the page has loaded.

For complete information, see the article Setting up LobbyView.

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