Version 8.1.4 Released [7/23/18]

Special Note: The kiosk photo capture for visitor check-in will be available once Apple approves the app update.

  • [ADDED] Kiosk profile option to limit last name field to once character
  • [ADDED] Kiosk profile option to increase the on-screen keyboard button size
  • [ADDED] Magnetic Card Profiles to Administration to allow card swipe check-in at the kiosk. Currently the Kiosk can only support one type of card which is assigned to the Kiosk Profile.
  • [ADDED] Option to inactivate a Kiosk Language Set to temporarily hide it from the kiosk.
  • [ADDED] 'Restricted Individuals List' to flag customers or visitors that check-in. These individuals are identified on the waiting list along with an alert at the top of the page.
  • [ADDED] customer picture capture option to iPad Native Kiosk options. Customer picture is displayed on the check-in information window and request detail page in history
  • [CHANGED] title 'Operating Mode' in System Options to 'Check-In Type'
  • [CHANGED] operating mode option 'Customer Check-In/Check-Out' to 'Capture Time In,Time Seen, and Time Out (recommended)'
  • [CHANGED] operating mode option 'Visitor Sign-In/Sign-Out' to 'Capture Time In and Time Out'
  • [CHANGED] name Visitor Center to Security Center to identify that it is used for back-office visitor sign-in. Security Center is only available when Check-In type is set to the default option.
  • [CHANGED] QMonitor apps so that they can load pre-set startup options from a cookie stored in the browser. Adding "?usecookie=true" will cause the page to look for a stored cookie.
  • [CHANGED] location dropdown in User Maintenance to identify Inactive locations
  • [FIXED] Excel Report Generator missing option for Customer Queue
  • [FIXED] Reports duplicating in Excel Report Generator when running a saved report
  • [FIXED] Web kiosk allowing to continue past name screen by entering spaces in first and last name fields
  • [FIXED] Screen jumping issue after saving changes in Kiosk General Settings
  • [FIXED] Time In column not appearing on the right when using the Call number Only notification style
  • [FIXED] appointment update where selected special services were not loading on the edit screen
  • [FIXED] incorrect customer type identifier various screens. i.e. showing Customer instead of Student
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