Visitor Security Center (cloud)

Visitor Security Center, located under the Apps menu in LobbyCentral, manages individuals (non-customers) who are present in your building. Visitors may be vendors, delivery people, friends and family of employees, etc. 

A visitor record may be generated as scheduled or  unscheduled. When using the Visitor Security Center, typically only the receptionist is logged into the system. Host employees will receive an email after the visitor is been signed in.

Note: A DYMO label printer must be attached to the PC to enable visitor badge printing. Please review Printing Tickets & Visitor Badges for instructions on using a label/badge printer.

Schedule Visit

  1. In the menu, go to Apps > Visitor Security Center.
  2. Click the New Visitor button.
  3. Enter the visitor’s First and Last name.
  4. Enter the Company Name, if applicable.
  5. Select Scheduled visit.
  6. Enter the location
  7. Select the date
  8. Choose the time of the visit by sliding the hour and minute bars to the correct time.
  9. Select the employee meeting the visitor.
  10. If desired, enter the reason for the visit.
  11. Check the Print Visitor Badge box to print a visitor label (optional).
  12. Click Save.

Scheduled Visit

  1. Enter the location, and date range to search if necessary.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Locate the visitor's name in the list of Scheduled Visits. By default, scheduled visits are displayed for the current day only.
  4. Click Sign-In. The visitor's name will be transferred to the Active Visitors list.
  5. If a label printer is attached to the PC, click Print Badge, to print a visitor badge.

Edit Scheduled Visit

  1. Go to Apps in the menu.
  2. Click Visitor Security Center.
  3. Under Scheduled Visits, select the location, and Start/End dates to search.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Locate the visitor in the list, and click Edit
  6. Make desired changes.
  7. Click Save.

Delete Scheduled Visit

  1. Go to Apps in the menu, and click Visitor Security Center.
  2. Under Scheduled Visits, select the location, and Start/End dates to search.
  3. Locate the visitor in the list, and click Edit.
  4. In the Edit Visitor window, click Delete Visit
  5. Confirm.

Note: Deleted visitors are permanently removed from the database and will not be available in reports.

Search Scheduled Visit History

  1. Go to Apps in the menu.
  2. Click Visitor Security Search.
  3. Select the location.
  4. Select the date range.
  5. Click Search.

Unscheduled Visit

  1. Go to Apps > Visitor Security Center.
  2. Click the New Visitor button.
  3. Enter the visitor’s First and Last name.
  4. Enter the Company Name, if applicable.
  5. Select unscheduled
  6. Select the employee meeting the visitor.
  7. If desired, enter the reason for the visit.
  8. Check the Print Visitor Badge box to print a visitor label (optional).
  9. Click Save.

Sign-Out Visitor 

  1. Locate the visitor in the visitors list.
  2. Select Sign-out.
  3. Confirm.

Capture Time In and Time Out

Capture Time In and Time Out may only be enabled by an administrator in System Options and is used in non-customer environments. Capture Time In and Time Out may not be used in conjunction with Capture Time In, Time Seen, and Time Out. 

If LobbyCentral is being used to manage customers, administrators should not  enable Time In and Time Out. Instead, to independently track and monitor visitors (non-customers) in your building, use the Visitor Security Center detailed at the top of this page.

When using Capture Time In and Time Out, visitor records may only be generated as  unscheduled. Scheduling visits is not available in this mode. To schedule a visitor for a future date/time, an administrator must enable Capture Time In, Time Seen, and Time Out, and the user must schedule the visit via the Visitor Security Center, in the Apps menu. When Capture Time In and Time Out mode is enabled, customer check-in / check-out is not available. 

In Capture Time In and Time Out, administrators are given the option to sign-out the visitor upon departure, or sign-out the visitor immediately after sign-in.

  • If sign-out visitor on departure is selected, the visitor will need to see the receptionist before leaving the building or use the visitor kiosk to sign-out. This will track total time in the building for each visitor. Note: A change was made in Version 7.3.30 which keeps visitors who were not signed out on the signed in screen. These visitors will be displayed in red so users will quickly be able to identify them. The user will need to edit the time of sign out to remove the visitor from the screen. If users assign badges to visitors, editing the visitor to sign them out will release the badge back into the inventory.
  • If sign-out immediately after sign-in is selected, the visitor will be automatically signed-out after signing in. This option is used only if a total count of visitors is necessary for the day, and not the visitors' total time in the building.
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