Appointments (cloud)
Appointment Options
Time Slot Interval | Sets the number of minutes between available appointment times. For example: Setting time slots to 15 minutes, would give customers the option to create appointments during open hours every 15 minutes; 9:00am, 9:15am, 9:30am, 9:45am, etc. until business close. |
Earliest Check-in | Sets the earliest time a customer will be allowed to check-in before their scheduled appointment time. |
Last Check-in | Sets the latest time a customer will be allowed to check-in after their scheduled appointment time. |
Max Appointments per Slot | Sets the number of appointments allowed per time slot. For example, if set to 2, then 2 customers will be able to create an appointment during each time slot. If time slots are set in 15 min. intervals, then 9am, 9:15am, 9:30am, etc. Once the max appointments per slot have been filled for a particular time, that time slot will drop off the selection screen. |
Max Appointments are checked at the | Sets the maximum number of appointments at the queue or service level |
Time slots are blocked for the duration of the service | Select True of False to determine whether time slots will be blocked for the service duration, or if overlapping appointments will be allowed. |
Prevent appointments from ending inside another appointment where max slot count is reached | Answer True or False to allow or disallow appointments ending inside another appointment where the max slot count is reached. |
Do not require mobile phone when creating an appointment | Selecting True will not require user to enter a mobile phone number for the customer when creating an appointment. |
Require email when creating an appointment | Select True to require an email when creating an appointment, or False to make it not required. |
LobbyCentral Appointments
These options only apply to LobbyCentral Online Appointments system.
Meeting Options
Select whether appointments may be created as In Person only, Virtual only, or both.
Note: Virtual meeting requires the LobbyCentral Essentials plan and a Zoom account