Appointments (cloud)

Appointment Options
Time Slot Interval Sets the number of minutes between available appointment times. For example: Setting time slots to 15 minutes, would give customers the option to create appointments during open hours every 15 minutes; 9:00am, 9:15am, 9:30am, 9:45am, etc. until business close.
Earliest Check-in Sets the earliest time a customer will be allowed to check-in before their scheduled appointment time.
Last Check-in Sets the latest time a customer will be allowed to check-in after their scheduled appointment time.
Max Appointments per Slot Sets the number of appointments allowed per time slot. For example, if set to 2, then 2 customers will be able to create an appointment during each time slot. If time slots are set in 15 min. intervals, then 9am, 9:15am, 9:30am, etc. Once the max appointments per slot have been filled for a particular time, that time slot will drop off the selection screen.
Max Appointments are checked at the  Sets the maximum number of appointments at the queue or service level
Time slots are blocked for the duration of the service Select True of False to determine whether time slots will be blocked for the service duration, or if overlapping appointments will be allowed.
Prevent appointments from ending inside another appointment where max slot count is reached Answer True or False to allow or disallow appointments ending inside another appointment where the max slot count is reached.
Do not require mobile phone when creating an appointment Selecting True will not require user to enter a mobile phone number for the customer when creating an appointment.
Require email when creating an appointment Select True to require an email when creating an appointment, or False to make it not required.

LobbyCentral Appointments

These options only apply to LobbyCentral Online Appointments system.

Meeting Options
Select whether appointments may be created as In Person only, Virtual only, or both.
Note: Virtual meeting requires the LobbyCentral Essentials plan and a Zoom account
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