Exporting Closing Questions
Closing Questions results can be exported from LobbyCentral into a JSON (javascript object notation) file.
This file can then be imported into other applications that accept JSON formatted files.
Example data:
{ "Id": 2014, "Question": "Was the customer's issue fully resolved", "IsActive": true, "IsRequired": false, "RunDate": "8/8/2022 12:22:53 PM", "StartDate": "08/01/2022", "EndDate": "08/08/2022", "Results": [ { "Answer": "Yes", "Count": 1 }, { "Answer": "No", "Count": 0 }, { "Answer": "Unanswered", "Count": 0 } ] }
Using Excel, you can import your JSON export file. This how-to article explains the process in detail. You can search the internet for "importing JSON into Excel" for additional helpful articles.