Exchange Server Integration

You may integrate your users Outlook calendars in LobbyCentral Appointments! When enabled, user busy times will not display as available to the customer.
Please follow the steps below to enable Exchange Integration.
Step 1 - All users must have a valid Exchange server email setup in LobbyCentral:
1.Login to LobbyCentral
2.Go to Tools > Administration > Mange Users
3.Select a user and click Modify 
4.Set the email to the user's Exchange/Outlook email address (ex: [email protected]).
Repeat for all users.
 Step 2 - Configure LobbyCentral Appointments to use Exchange Integration
1.Login to LobbyCentral Appointments
2.Select Appointment Options from the menu
3.Scroll down to the Scheduling section
4.Enter the Exchange Server URL, Username, and Password - This information will need to come from your IT department. 
5.In Appointment Options > Behavior "Show available employees" must be checked
Please Note: If Exchange Integration is enabled: 
1.The max number of appointments per slot is always 1 if a user is selected.
2.The time slot starts and ends according to user's work schedule, which is defined in LobbyCentral, in User Management.
3.The standard scheduling rules apply if First Available is selected. If a user is selected, Time Slot Rules are ignored.

4."Find next available time" option is ignored if a user is selected.

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