Required Fields (on-premise)

LobbyCentral allows for the option to require specific information about a customer to attach to their customer record, such as Customer Number, DOB, email, etc. 

Specify various fields as Not Required, or At Check-Out, to require a user to collect the selected information before checking out a customer. This will ensure that any missing required information is collected.

Required Fields only applies to employee assisted check-in/check-out. It does not apply to the kiosk. Before making any changes, all users must be logged out of LobbyCentral.

Required Field Options

Each item listed in Required Fields several options.

Not Required Select if the field is NOT required before checking out the customer.
At Check-Out Select if the field MUST be filled in before checking out the customer.
Allow N/A Option If selected, "not available" will be displayed as an option and allow the user to bypass entering information in the selected field. For example, If Mobile Phone Number is a required field, but the customer does not have a mobile phone, the N/A option will allow the user to select "not available."
Do Not Show If checked, the field will not be displayed to the user.

Set Required Fields

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Required Fields.
  2. Locate the field from the list and select desired option.
  3. Save changes.
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