Customer Polls (cloud)

Polls were implemented to give LobbyCentral users the ability to gather important information from customers and use that information to make decisions about their company. 

Find out what your customers want or need from your organization by enabling and creating polls!

Polls are displayed at the kiosk after the check-in process is complete. To display the poll in the kiosk, you must select the poll to display in  Administration > Kiosk Profiles. You may display one poll at a time per kiosk or select Random to randomly display all created polls.

Create a Poll

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Data > Customer Polls.
  2. Select Add Poll.
  3. Create a name for the poll.
  4. Enter the poll question
  5. Create the choices that your customers will select from (A-E). Note: A minimum of 2 (two) answers must be created to publish the poll. However, up to 5 different answers may be created.  
  6. Review information carefully. Once a poll has been created it cannot be modified.
  7. Save.

Display Poll in Kiosk

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Kiosk > Profiles.
  2. Select the location profile by clicking on it. Note: you must have at least one kiosk profile created for your location in order to use the web kiosk.
  3. Choose the desired poll to display, from the Customer Poll dropdown menu, or select Random to randomly display all polls.
  4. Save Profile.
  5. Restart your kiosk.

Note: only one poll will be displayed per customer. Polls are displayed after the check-in process is complete.

Polls are not compatible in Native mode in the kiosk app for iPad. If you are using the kiosk app, please disable Native mode in Settings.

Delete a Poll

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Data > Customer Polls.
  2. Locate the poll to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete to the right of the poll name.
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