Email Templates

LobbyCentral Appointments has the ability to send custom confirmation, reminder, and cancellation emails.

**Note: if you do not create a custom email, the email sent to the customer will be the default email from LobbyCentral Appointments.


  • HTML is permitted
  • JavaScript references are not permitted.
  • JavaScript add-ons are not permitted.
  • Third-party embedded scripts such as Google Analytics or other tracking software are not permitted.
  • Use the tag dropdown to insert appointment information in the body and subject of the email.
  • To use the default email, leave the box empty.

Create a Custom Email

Login to LobbyCentral Appointments and go to Email Templates, in the menu.

  1. Locate the email template to customize.
  2. Create a subject line for the Email.
  3. Enter the custom message into the email body 
  4. Save Changes. 


Placeholders are the tag selections which may be used to insert the appropriate information in that space. 

For example: When the placeholder [first-name] is used in the email, LobbyCentral Appointments will insert the first name of the customer in this space.

When you have completed and saved your email message, you may click the TEST button (below each custom email) in order to receive a test email of what your customers will receive.

**Note: The test email will be sent to the email address setup in your LobbyCentral Appointments account. Each LobbyCentral Appointments account may only have one user at this time. Multiple accounts will be deactivated.

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