First-Time Installation Steps

LobbyCentral is a system made up of the main software and additional components. These components are optional and not required to use LobbyCentral.

Optional Components

  1. Desktop or iPad Kiosk:  provides customer self-service check-in
  2. Queue Notifier:  provides desktop “toast” notifications when a check-in is created.

This guide will only cover installing the main software. Please refer to the individual component’s user manual for installation information.

System Requirements

Application Server

  • Windows Server 2008 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 
  • IIS

Database Server

  • SQL Server 2008 or higher, Standard, Enterprise, or Express
  • Mixed-mode enabled (sa mode)
  • sa password

End User Workstations

  • PC or Mac
  • Internet Explorer 9 or higher or Google Chrome
  • Sound card optional

*Internet Explorer Compatibility View Mode must be disabled.

Installing the Software

  1. Copy lobbycentralSetup.msi to the server.
  2. Double-click the file to begin the installation.
  3. Choose the default option, New Installation.
  4. Select the installation folder or leave the default location (recommended).
  5. On the SQL Server screen, enter the following information: 
    Server The name of the SQL Server.  See SQL Server Name below.
    Database Leave default
    DB Username Leave default (lobbyCentral)
    DB Password Leave default (LoBByC3ntrAl$)
    SA Username Leave default (sa)
    SA Password SA account’s password
  6. Click Install.

Please contact [email protected] if you encounter any errors during the installation.

SQL Server Name

A Windows server can host multiple SQL Servers which are called “instances.”   A server will normally have one  Default Instance and many Named Instances.

It is important that you use the correct server instance to avoid an ODBC timeout error.

If SQL Server is the Default Instance, you will enter only the server name.  i.e.  SERVER1

If SQL Server is a Named Instance, you will enter the server name followed by the instance name.  i.e.  SERVER1\SQLEXPRESS

Never use (local) or (localhost) as the server name.

Obtaining SQL Server

If you do not have SQL Server installed, you can download free version called SQL Express from Microsoft. 

SQL Express 2012 supports 10GB of data which is more than enough space to begin using LobbyCentral. Please visit to download SQL Express.

Important! When installing SQL Express, be sure to specify Mixed Mode.

Accessing LobbyCentral

To access LobbyCentral, open a browser and enter: 


where<servername> is the name of the server on which LobbyCentral is installed.

You should be presented with the Login screen where you can now log in using the default administrator account.

Default Admin Account

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Once logged in, you can create user accounts, service queues, descriptions, and more. Please refer to the Getting Started manual that is included with the installation package.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


Q: When I try to go the LobbyCentral Web site, I get “403 (Forbidden)”

A: On the web server, go to IIS and right-click the web site where LobbyCentral web is installed (usually Default Web). Choose Properties and click the Documents tab. Add “Default.aspx” to the list. Click Apply to save changes.

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