Appointment Options

Appointment Options

These options do not affect settings in the LobbyCentral check-in management portal.

Automatically Approve Appointments

When enabled, this option will automatically book the appointment in LobbyCentral.  If this option is disabled, the appointment is saved in LobbyCentral with a status of Pending Approval. Pending appointments are reviewed and approved in LobbyCentral.

Show Available Employees

When enabled, this option will display a list of employees for the selected location and queue, along with First Available.   If this option is disabled, the list is not shown and all appointments are assigned to First Available.

Hide 'Other' Service Option

If enabled, customers will only be able to select from the dropdown choices in the service menu while creating an appointment. The option to select 'Other' and type in their own reason will not be displayed.

Include Mobile Check-In Link in confirmation email (Available in Cloud Only)

A cloud exclusive feature, this feature works in conjunction with ExpressLobby for mobile check-in . After the customer creates their appointment online, they will receive a confirmation email containing the appointment details. A check-in button will be included in the email, so the customer can check-in when they arrive to the appointment. for more information on ExpressLobby please review ExpressLobby (cloud) - LobbyCentral Support.

Suggest next Available Date/Time

When enabled, LobbyCentral Appointments will suggest the next available date and time for an appointment after the service is selected. If the customer can not make the suggested appointment date/time, they can select a different date/time.

Time Slot Handling

Default max appointments per time slot

Determines how many appointments may be created for each time slot.

Max appointments are checked at the

Queue level: Max appointments are checked at the queue level. For example: if default max appointments is set to 2, the max number of appointments for the queue (or department) will be 2 appointments per time slot.

Service level: Max appointments are checked at the service level. For example: if default max appointments is set to 2, the max number of appointments per time slot will be 2 for each service available.

Include booked appointment's service duration in time slot availability
When enabled, LobbyCentral will take into account the visit reason’s duration, rather than just the selected time slots. In order for the feature to work, the service “ duration” must be set for each visit reason in LobbyCentral, and "Include booked appointment's service duration in time slot availability” must be enabled in LobbyCentral Appointments.
If the duration times are not set in LobbyCentral, the service duration will default to 1 hour.


Earliest time that can be selected X from the current time

Specifies the earliest time a customer can book an appointment for the current day and time. This prevents a customer from scheduling an appointment to move ahead of walk-in customers.

Last time that can be selected X before the end of the day

Specifies the latest time a customer can book an appointment before the end of the company's business day. This prevents customers from being able to schedule an appointment up to and including closing time.

Slot Increments

Specifies the length of time between appointment slots.

Approver Emails

Specifies which emails should receive a notification about a pending appointment. This option is only required and used if Automatic Approval is disabled. Enter one email address per line.


Displayed on the confirmation page. Customize instructions or any additional information the customer should know about the appointment or arrival time, etc.

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