Language Sets

Language Options

Users may create additional language files and customize kiosk titles, placeholder text, and buttons, which can then be selected from the drop-down list during check-in. When setting up a new language file, you will need to use a translation website, such as Google Translate at:

Screen Titles

The default titles and subtitles appearing on each screen of the kiosk are listed below.  If you leave the field blank, our default wording will display.  You can customize any of the fields by typing your own wording into the blank fields. 

FIELD TITLE:                                                                           DEFAULT WORDING:

Check-In Title: Welcome!
Check-In Sub-Title:  Select a check-in option below
Name Entry Title:  Name
Name Entry Sub-Title:  please enter your first and last name
Custom Fields Title:  *BLANK*
Custom Fields Sub-Title:  please complete the fields below
Select Service Title:  Reason for Visit
Select Service Sub-Title:  how can we assist you today?
Review Check-in Title:  confirm check-in
Review Check-in Sub-Title:  please confirm your information is correct
Check-In Complete Title:  thank you!
Check-In Complete Sub-Title:  your request has been received.
Meeting With Title:  Meet with?
Meeting WIth Subtitle: Who would you like to assist you?
StatusTrack Title: Status Updates
StatusTrack Subtitle: Get updates on about your visit
Appointment Title: Appointment
Appointment Subtitle: Enter your 10 digit phone number
Appointment Message Not Found: Could not locate appointment.  Please click Back and verify
Start Check-In Button: I do not have an appointment
Appointment Check-in Button:  I have an app
Continue Button: Continue
Back Button:  Back
Start-over Button:  Start Over
Confirm Check-in Button:  Check-in
Completed Button:  Completed
Review Screen Name:  Your Name
Review Screen Service:  Service Requested
Review Screen Meeting With:  Employee Requested

Customizing the Check-In Complete Screen

To personalize the check-in complete message, you can add the customer or employee's name to the Check-In Complete Title, and/or Check-In Complete Sub-Title, by using the appropriate tag.

$$CUSTOMER Placeholder for the customer's name
$$EMPLOYEE  Placeholder for the employee's name

Example 1: Thank You $$CUSTOMER will be displayed using the customer's name, such as "Thank You Bob"

Example 2: $$EMPLOYEE will assist you shortly will be displayed using the employee's name, such as, "James will assist you shortly"

iPad Screen Titles (Applies Only to Native Kiosk)

Meeting With Title:  Meet With
Meeting With Sub-Title:  Who would you like to meet with? (optional)
Review Title:  Ready to check-in?
Review Sub-Title:  Please review your information


The label buttons that appear on each screen of the kiosk may be customized. To use the default LobbyCentral settings, leave the fields blank.

  • Check-In Button
  • Check-Out Button
  • Appointment Button
  • Continue Button
  • Back Button
  • Cancel Button

Placeholder Text

The placeholder text that appears on each screen of the kiosk are listed below but may also be customized by the user.

First Name:  First Name
Last Name:  Last Name
Account ID:  Account ID
Queue Select: select a department
Service Select: select a reason for visit
Other Service: Other Service
Mobile Number: mobile phone e.g. 111-111-1111

Disclaimer Message

The disclaimer is shown on the Review screen and requires customer acknowledgement. If you do not want to add a disclaimer message, leave this field empty.

** IMPORTANT** Please note that LobbyCentral does not record the customer's acknowledgement and may not constitute a legal binding agreement. Consult with an attorney regarding the use of electronic acknowledgements in place of a written signature, before using this feature.

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