Loading Ad Files and Messages

Ad and message maintenance is performed in LobbyCentral administration. Log in with an administrator account and go to Tools, Administration, QMonitor DS.

You must restart QMonitor DS after making any changes.

Uploading Ads

Image files may be PNG or JPG and must meet Ad Specifications. 

To begin adding images, please login to LobbyCentral at https://login.lobbycentral.com, and go to Tools > Administration > QMonitor - Digital Signage Options.

  1. Under Ads click Select File
  2. Select a valid image file from your computer
  3. Enter a short description of the image.  This is only displayed in administration and not int QMonitor.
  4. Select an Ad Set or New Set.   At the QMonitor start-up screen, you will select the Ad Set to display.
  5. Click Upload Ad

Creating Messages

Messages are a great way to communicate short announcements to your customers.   Messages are limited to 140 characters and are integrated into the Report To ticker at the bottom of the screen.
QMonitor DS will display five customer names followed by a message, another five customers, a message, and so on.
If no customer names are available, QMonitor will display all of the messages in the ticker space.
  1. Under Messages, type in a message to be displayed
  2. Click Add Message.
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