Silent Install

To install the LobbyCentral Queue Notifier (aka Desktop Alerts or Desktop Notifier):

  1. Open a command window and go to the folder containing the download.
  2. Enter the following:

  msiexec /i "queueNotifierSetup.msi" LOBBYCENTRAL_URL="<your_server_URL>" /passive

  • Where <your_server_URL> is the complete URL to your LobbyCentral application.   Do not include page names in the value.   It should i.e., http://server001/servicecenterweb
  • If the queueNotifierSetup.msi is executed from a different folder, enter the full path to the installer.  i.e.  "c:\downloads\queueNotifierSetup.msi".   You must enclose the path in quotation marks.

After installation is completed, verify the program starts without error.

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