Visitor Center Kiosk (on-premise)

The Visitor Center Kiosk allows visitors (non-customers) to sign themselves into your location. In addition to capturing name, reason for visit, and the name of the employee, the kiosk can also capture a picture of the visitor using a web camera.

A separate license is required to use the kiosk. Please contact [email protected] to purchase a license or obtain a trial license.

Changing the Title, Subtitle, and Wallpaper

An administrator can make changes to the kiosk screen, in Visitor Kiosk Settings. There, the administrator can upload custom wallpaper, enable image capture (Requires Google Chrome or Firefox. IE is not supported) and create a custom greeting for the kiosk.

Enabling the Webcam (Beta)

Currently the webcam capture is only supported in Google Chrome, and Firefox. Webcam capability is currently in beta mode. This is due to inconsistent support and implementation in modern web browsers.

Allowing the Webcam to be Enabled for LobbyCentral

Both Chrome and Firefox require permission to enable the camera. Due to security designs, the browser will ask for permission every time if the website protocol is unsecured, i.e., HTTP. To give the browser permanent permission, you will need to install an SSL certificate on the web server and access the kiosk via HTTPS.

Note: End-users are not required to use the HTTPS address.

Visitor Kiosk Settings

The Visitor Kiosk allows visitors (i.e., sales reps, vendors, etc.) to sign-in. In addition to capturing name, reason for visit, and the name of the employee, the kiosk can also capture a picture of the visitor using a web camera.


  • Greeting
  • Sub-Title
  • Options
  • Wallpaper


  • Capture Image (Requires Google Chrome. IE is not supported): If a webcam is set up on the Visitor kiosk, check this box to activate the feature.
  • Use free-form text field for Employee Name: If this box is checked, the visitor will need to type in the name of the employee they are there to see, rather than just choose from a drop-down menu.


You can replace the default Kiosk wallpaper (shown behind the input elements) with your own image file. The image resolution should match the device that the kiosk is running on.

For example, if you are using the iPad kiosk app, be sure that the resolution matches the iPad’s display requirements.

Reference chart for wallpaper sizing:

Device Size of Wallpaper
iPad 1st & 2nd generation 1024 x 768
iPad 3rd & 4th generation 2048 x 1436
iPad Mini 1024 x 768
Android Web Browser Use the device's supported display resolution
Web Browser (PC or Mac) Use the computer's current display resolution setting
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