Visitor Center (on-premise)

The Visitor Center manages individuals who are not customers, but who are present in your building. A visitor record can be generated as unscheduled or scheduled.

In Visitor Center, the visitor signs into LobbyCentral with a user, or through the kiosk. The visitor then sees the receptionist upon departure to be signed out. When using LobbyCentral Visitor Center, typically only the receptionist is logged into the system. Host employees will receive an email after the visitor is checked into the system.

Create Visitor Record

  1. In the menu, go to Visitor Center > Manage Visitors.
  2. Click the Add Visitor button.
  3. Enter the visitor’s First and Last name.
  4. Enter the visitor’s Company Name, if applicable.
  5. Select whether the visit is scheduled, or unscheduled. If unscheduled is selected, the visitor will be checked into the location immediately after creating the visitor record.
  6. If this is a scheduled visit, enter the location, date, and time of the visit.
  7. Select who is meeting with the visitor.
  8. If desired, enter the purpose or reason for the visit.
  9. Check the Print Visitor Badge box (if enabled by Administration) to print a visitor label. 
  10. Click Save.

Note: For more information on Visitor Badges, and instructions on installing a DYMO label printer, please see Kiosk Ticket & Visitor Badge Printing in the LobbyCentral On-Premise User Manual. 

/ Edit Scheduled Visit

  1. Go to Visitor Center > Manage Visitors.
  2. Under Scheduled Visits, select the Location.
  3. Select the Start, and End Dates.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Locate the visitor in the list, and click Sign-In.
  6. If editing, click Edit, and make desired changes.
  7. Click Save.

Sign-Out Visitor

  1. In the Visitors list, locate the visitor's name, and click Sign-Out.
  2. Confirm.

Delete Visitor

A user can only delete a visitor record if the visitor is scheduled for a future visit and has not yet signed into the location. If the user has already been signed-in or out, then deleting the visitor is no longer available.

Delete Scheduled Visit

  1. Go to Visitor Center > Manage Visitors.
  2. Under Scheduled Visits, do a visitor search as detailed above.
  3. Locate the appropriate visitor in the list and click Edit. 
  4. In the Edit Visitor window, click Delete Visit.
  5. Confirm.

Note: Deleted visitors are permanently removed from the database and will not be available in reports.

Visitor History

Visitor History allows users to view a list of visitors who checked in at a particular location, on a particular date. 

View Visitor History 

  1. Go to Visitor Center > Visitor History.
  2. Select the location.
  3. Enter the date, or date range to search.
  4. Click Search.

Note: Visitor History is View Only, and visits cannot be edited once a visitor has been signed out of the system. 

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