Dashboard / Analytics (cloud)

The Dashboard provides real-time and historical information on user activity and performance. Your account must have permissions to access the reporting Dashboard. There are six tabs in the Dashboard which display various analytics, detailed below.

To Access the Dashboard, go to Reporting > Dashboard in the menu toolbar.

Current Activity

Displays service activity information by location for the current day.

Staff Availability Number of users signed in, grouped by status.
Service Lobby Total check-in requests pending, in-service, and abandoned.
Service Levels Total number of completed requests, average wait times, and average service times.
Wait Time Completed service requests grouped by customer wait time.

Open Requests

Displays current service requests waiting for service, as well as those being assisted, by location for the current day. 

Closed Requests

Displays a list of completed service requests for the current date. The user may also perform a search by location, date, and/or queue. Each closed request displays:

  • Date of Service
  • Customer Name
  • Service Provided
  • Assisted by
  • Time In
  • Time Seen
  • Time Left
  • Status

Employee Performance

Total number of completed service requests for each user, as well as total service time and number of services handled. Search may be performed by location, date, and/or user. Performance for the current day is displayed by default.

Service Levels

Total number of completed and abandoned requests, the total number of provided services, and the average wait and service times. Service levels also detail the number of requests that were assisted within 0-10 minutes, 11-15 minutes, and +16 minutes of check-in. All times are displayed in hh:mm:ss format.

Services Provided

Displays the total number of services completed or abandoned by service description and location. Search may be performed by location, date, and/or queue. 

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