Merge Duplicate Customer Records (cloud)

Occasionally users may discover a duplicate account for a customer. This happens when a user (or the customer) makes a typo, or incorrectly spells the customer name during the check-in process. If this happens a new customer record may be created.

Users must enter the exact spelling of a customer's name each time the customer is checked in. If the name is entered differently than a previous visit, LobbyCentral won't be able to locate the customer record, and a new customer record will be created.    

If a duplicate record exists for a customer and that customer checks-in through the kiosk, LobbyCentral will continue to create a new record for the customer  each time they check-in because the system will not know which record to attach to that visit. For this reason, it is necessary to merge all duplicate records found for a customer as soon as one is found.

Users with reporting permissions may run the Duplicate Customers Report in order to locate any possible duplicates in LobbyCentral.

Note: Do not run the merge tool for customer IDs that are assigned to a pending or in-service request.

Merge Customer Records

  1. Select Tools > Merge Customer Records from the menu.
  2. Enter the customer Name (or partial name) of the Primary Customer Record (The record to transfer all duplicate records to).
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Select the primary customer record that all other records will be merged into.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Enter the Name (or partial name) of the Merging customer record(s).
  7. Check the box next to each customer record to be merged into the primary customer record.
  8. Click Merge Records.
  9. Confirm.
Note: Please verify all customer records selected to be merged before clicking Merge Records. This operation can not be reversed.
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