User Status (cloud)

A user’s status is automatically updated when taking or closing a service request. The status may also be changed manually in the  My Status widget located on the Check-In Management screen.

Change User Status

  1. Select a status option from the drop-down menu.
  2. Type in an optional message.
  3. Click Update.

In & Out Buttons

To quickly change user status, click the  In or Out buttons below the text box. The Out button changes the user's status to Away with a message of "Out of Office". The In button removes the away message, and sets the user's status to Available.

Below is a list of status messages which may be displayed.

Offline User is not logged into LobbyCentral.
Online User is signed into LobbyCentral, but is not assigned to a queue.
Available User is signed in and available to take service requests.
In Service User is helping a customer.
Away User is signed in, but not available to take service requests.
Lunch User is signed in, but out to lunch.
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