Reset or Update Password (cloud)

Reset Forgotten Password

Please note** Passwords may only be up to 20 (twenty) alpha/numeric characters.

  1. Click "I forgot my password" on the LobbyCentral login page.

  2. Enter the username, and Company ID, then select the verification method.  
  • Answer my security question: User will be asked to answer the security question selected when the account was created. 
  • Send a security code by text message: A text message containing a one-time code will be sent to the user's mobile phone, which will then need to be entered into the text box. Note: The user's mobile phone number must be setup in the LobbyCentral account to select this method.

   3. Select Continue.

   4. Enter the  new password

   5. Confirm the password and click  Submit.

   6. Confirm.

Update Current Password

LobbyCentral Cloud users are required to update their password every 90 days. Thirty days before the current password expires users will receive a message after logging in, stating that their password will expire in xx days. 

To change the password, click the link in the message and follow the instructions.

After the password expires, LobbyCentral will take the user directly to Tools > User Preferences in LobbyCentral, to create a new password. 

Enter the new  password and confirm, then click Save.

Manual Reset by Administrator

LobbyCentral Administrators and Supervisors may manually reset a user's password.

  1. Go to Tools > Administration > Manage Users
  2. Locate the User, and select Modify
  3. In the Properties tab, check the box "Generate and email password to user." Note: A password may also be entered into the New Password field. Confirm the new password by entering it again in the Confirm Password field.
  4. Save.
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